Sunset Beach
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Cities located within Orange County have 15,197 lawyers in good standing as of Q4 2023
Cities located within Orange County saw 15,197 lawyers in good standing to practice law as of the fourth quarter of 2023, according to the State Bar of California.
70 fewer lawyers with active licenses to practice in cities in Orange County in December than previous month
Cities in Orange County recorded a decline in the number of lawyers with active licenses in its legal scene than the previous month, according to the State Bar of California.
How many lawyers were in good standing in cities located within Orange County as of November?
Cities located within Orange County saw 15,276 lawyers in good standing to practice law as of November, according to the State Bar of California.
Cities located within Orange County have 15,301 lawyers in good standing as of October
There were 15,301 lawyers in good standing in cities located within Orange County as of October, according to the State Bar of California.
Census Bureau: 9.5% of people in Orange County identified as multiracial in 2021
Of the 3,182,923 citizens living in Orange County in 2021, 90.5% said they were only one race, while 9.5% said they were two or more races, according to U.S. Census Bureau data obtained in June.
There were 15,326 lawyers in good standing in cities located within Orange County as of September
Cities located within Orange County saw 15,326 lawyers in good standing to practice law as of September, according to the State Bar of California.
There were 15,326 lawyers in good standing in cities located within Orange County as of Q3
Cities located within Orange County saw 15,326 lawyers in good standing to practice law as of the third quarter of 2023, according to the State Bar of California.
Legal Landscape of cities located within Orange County: 15,300 lawyers in good standing as of August
Cities located within Orange County saw 15,300 lawyers in good standing to practice law as of August, according to the State Bar of California.
Cities located within Orange County have 15,283 lawyers in good standing as of July
There were 15,283 lawyers in good standing in cities located within Orange County as of July, according to the State Bar of California.
There were 15,393 lawyers in good standing in cities located within Orange County as of Q2
Cities located within Orange County saw 15,393 lawyers in good standing to practice law as of the second quarter of 2023, according to the State Bar of California.
There were 15,393 lawyers in good standing in cities located within Orange County as of June
Cities located within Orange County saw 15,393 lawyers in good standing to practice law as of June, according to the State Bar of California.
There were seven professional licenses issued in Orange County during May
There were seven professional licenses issued in Orange County during May, according to California’s Department of Consumer Affairs.
How many professional licenses issued in Orange County during April?
There were 10 professional licenses issued in Orange County during April, according to California’s Department of Consumer Affairs.
There were 100 professional licenses issued in Orange County during 2022
There were 100 professional licenses issued in Orange County during 2022, according to California’s Department of Consumer Affairs.
Q1: 24 professional licenses issued in Orange County
There were 24 professional licenses issued in Orange County during the first quarter of 2023, according to California’s Department of Consumer Affairs.
There are 46 professional licenses set to expire in Orange County during May
There are 46 professional licenses set to expire in Orange County during May, according to California’s Department of Consumer Affairs.
Orange County sees influx of 42,506 people from across the same state in 2019
Orange County saw 42,506 people migrate from within the state during 2019, an increase over the previous year, according to the Internal Revenue Service.
Orange County sees influx of 61,300 people in 2019
Orange County saw 61,300 new residents during 2019, an increase over the previous year, according to the Internal Revenue Service.
Orange County sees influx of 18,642 people from across the country in 2019
Orange County saw 18,642 people migrate from across the U.S. during 2019, an increase over the previous year, according to the Internal Revenue Service.
March: Nine professional licenses issued in Orange County
There were nine professional licenses issued in Orange County during March, according to California’s Department of Consumer Affairs.